Apex Tyrannosaurs Crate
Apex Tyrannosaurs Crate
Tyrannosaurus and Daspletosaurus are close cousins, and both were the apex predator of their day!
Tyrannosaurus – The longest, heaviest, and best-known tyrannosaur, Tyrannosaurus lived 68-66 mya, 6 million years after the last Daspletosaurus.
Daspletosaurus – Living 6-10 million years before Tyrannosaurus in the same part of the world, this smaller, shorter theropod was the apex predator of its day, just as its younger cousin was.
- Tyrannosaurus maxilla cast
- Tyrannosaurus premaxilla tooth cast
- Daspletosaurus tooth cast
- Daspletosaurus toe (hallux) cast
- Exclusive artwork by award-winning and up-and-coming paleoartists perfect for framing and display
- Up-to-date, fascinating facts on these amazing herbivores
- FREE Shipping on Standard and Wooden CratesÂ
Each replica is cast from molds of or 3D printed and scanned from the original fossil. They are then hand painted by paleo artisans in the USA, therefore they are subject to variation in color making each specimen unique.
New exclusive paleoart is periodically added to our offerings, therefore artwork featured on this page may not match the artwork delivered.
Choose to have your specimens shipped in the Standard or Wooden Crate!